Saturday, November 10, 2007

Halloween 2007

Here is our late halloween pictures!  The kids had a blast with daddy ( I stayed home to man the door).  Their pumpkins got too heavy so they came to unload but then Sydney wanted to stay home and pass out the candy, she said that was more fun!!!  Andrew did monkey sounds and arm motions for everyone that asked and Sydney talked in a really high voice as a princess would.  It was good times!!!!


Brittany said...

That is so funny that she talked in a high pitch voice. As if a 4 year old girl doesn't have a high pitch voice anyway. I bet that was great. She looked cute.

Kasen was a handsome monkey just like andrew, a couple years ago!

Jamie C. said...

Yeah, I'm so happy you left me a note! Blogging is such a fun, easy way to stay in touch...since we did a really bad job of it before! :) The kids are so cute! I'm going to add you to my friends, so I'll check back for sure! Glad you guys are doing great! Say hello to Mike for us!

Misty said...

Hi Shannon! I was thinking about you this week. I'm glad you started a blog - I love the updates. I hope all is well.